Yannick Pereira-Reis bio photo

Yannick Pereira-Reis

DevOps (docker swarm, haproxy, CI/CD, ELK, prometheus, grafana, ansible, automation, RabbitMQ, LVM, MySQL replication...) and fullstack web developer Symfony 2/3/4/5 + VueJs in Valence (France).

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TLDR: questions answered in this article.

  • How to JOIN two different Prometheus metrics by label with PromQL.

Available metrics for the example

Let’s say we use the excellent “node-exporter” project to monitor our servers.

We will have metrics looking like that, for example:

node_disk_bytes_read{device="dm-0",instance="",job="node-exporter"} | 43161334784

We can use PromQL to build aggregations, sum of “disk bytes read” by instance/server:

sum(node_disk_bytes_read{}) by (instance)
  {instance=""} | 22082332072448
  {instance=""} | 8439202548224
  {instance=""} | 28203612148224
  {instance=""} | 56887513977344
  {instance=""} | 30887053824
  {instance=""} | 36352176166912

With our custom usage of node-exporter we have added a custom metric called “node_meta”.

#!/bin/sh -e
NODE_NAME=$(cat /etc/nodename)
echo "node_meta{node_id=\"$NODE_ID\", container_label_com_docker_swarm_node_id=\"$NODE_ID\", node_name=\"$NODE_NAME\"} 1" > /etc/node-exporter/node-meta.prom
set -- /bin/node_exporter "$@"
exec "$@"

With this configuration we also have metrics like:


We can query Prometheus to have values for this metric:

  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node2"} | 1
  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node4"} | 1
  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node5"} | 1
  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node6"} | 1
  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node3"} | 1
  node_meta{instance="",job="node-exporter",node_name="node1"} | 1
  • You can notice that here we have labels allowing us to have a match between an instance IP address ( and an instance name (node2).
  • There is a label in common between the two metrics “node_meta” and “node_disk_bytes_read”: instance.


How to query prometheus to have sum of “disk bytes read” by instance/node/server name ? The result we want is something like that :

node2 => 22082332072448
node4 => 8439202548224
node5 => 28203612148224
node6 => 56887513977344
node3 => 30887053824
node1 => 36352176166912

How to JOIN the metrics

sum(node_disk_bytes_read * on(instance) group_left(node_name) node_meta{}) by (node_name)
  • on(instance) => this is how to JOIN on label instance.
  • group_left(node_name) node_meta{} => means, keep the label node_name from metric node_meta in the result.

And the result is:

{node_name="node2"} | 22082332072448
{node_name="node4"} | 8439202548224
{node_name="node5"} | 28203612148224
{node_name="node6"} | 56887513977344
{node_name="node3"} | 30887053824
{node_name="node1"} | 36352176166912
