Yannick Pereira-Reis bio photo

Yannick Pereira-Reis

DevOps (docker swarm, haproxy, CI/CD, ELK, prometheus, grafana, ansible, automation, RabbitMQ, LVM, MySQL replication...) and fullstack web developer Symfony 2/3/4/5 + VueJs in Valence (France).

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TLDR: questions answered in this article.

  • How to improve docker .env configuration for security ?
  • How to improve docker .env configuration for performance ?
  • How to improve docker .env configuration for better rolling update ?
  • How to improve docker swarm rolling update time ?
  • Why all my containers are restarting when updating environnement variables ?
  • How to properly split environnement files ?

Using a .env file to store configuration with docker-compose swarm stacks and services.

Since a few years, a lot of projects based on docker, even in the open source community, comes with a .env file to store configuration. It allows to define specific configuration for deployments (development, staging and production for instance). It’s a good starting point if your try to respect the twelve-factor app methodology, but you should NOT use a single .env file with docker swarm stack and services or you will have some organisation, security and performance problems.

Let’s take a PHP Symfony project developed and deployed thanks to docker and docker-compose on a swarm cluster. In that kind of configuration we will often work with a single .env file used by every part of our technical stack:

Let’s take these typical docker-compose.yml and .env files examples:

What are the problems in the case of single .env file ?

Problem #1: Code organization and separation of concerns.

  • Very difficult to say which environment variables are used by each service.
  • Very difficult to say which environment variables are used by the PHP application itself.
  • Difficult to pick up a single service from that stack to add it to another stack.
  • Configurations can be mixed in this single file (unless you organize each part with comments).

Problem #2: Bugs.

Let’s say you use a project like this perfect one: jwilder/nginx-proxy.

  • You will add an env variable VIRTUAL_HOST=domain.localhost to your .env file to access Nginx web server with your custom domain “domain.localhost”.
  • You will access http://domain.localhost URL and you will have intermittent errors, and the reverse proxy logs will look like:
nginx.1    | 2019/10/07 07:32:39 [error] 147#147: *105 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: domain.localhost, request: "POST / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "domain.localhost", referrer: "http://domain.localhost"
nginx.1    | 2019/10/07 07:32:39 [warn] 147#147: *105 upstream server temporarily disabled while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: domain.localhost, request: "POST / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "domain.localhost", referrer: "http://domain.localhost"

This is because adding a variable to the .env file, will add it into all containers (configured with env_file directive). So with the round robin algorithm used by default within Nginx load balancing, the request will reach the PHP container one time out of two, instead of the Nginx container.

Problem #3: Security.

As we said in the previous part, “adding a variable to the .env file, will add it into all containers (configured with env_file directive)”. So you will have access all environment variables in all running containers… In addition to the fact that it is unnecessary, it can introduce vulnerabilities.

Imagine your Nginx web server is compromised and some hackers can export all env variables available in your Nginx running container, they will have access to sensitive information like database credentials:

  • DB_HOST=
  • DB_PORT=3306
  • DB_NAME=test
  • DB_USER=root
  • DB_PASSWORD=very_sensitive_password

They will also have access to other sensitive information:

  • you are running your application from a docker container whose image is stored in a private registry REGISTRY_PATH (registry.domain.tld)
  • you are using port number 2000 for your app, so are probably behind a reverse proxy.
  • you are using PHP for your application, probably version 7.2.

Problem #4: Stack update, performance and resources consumption.

Docker has a built-in mecanism allowing to restart containers when dependencies have changed: env variables, docker-compose directives, networks,… I’m sure you see where I’m going with this… Imagine you want to increase PHP memory limit, you will change the value of env variable MEMORY_LIMIT.

Then you will run that kind of command to update your PHP service:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml --with-registry-auth "symfony_application"

And BOOM !!! All the containers (probably spread over many servers, maybe over many datacenters) of all your services of your stack will restart following defined restart_policy, update_config and healthcheck configurations.

This will lead to an extra and unnecessary resources consumption (CPU, memory, bandwith, …) and maybe service downtime. Our example is pretty simple but it’s a common thing to have 5 or 6 services per stack, for instance:

  • Nginx as a web server
  • PHP-FPM as factCGI process manager
  • Elasticsearch for full-text search
  • Redis for caching
  • MySQL a main database storage

We can’t afford to restart everything when we simply want to update a single service.

Possibles solutions.

Choose the one you prefer or the one that best fits your needs.

Solution #1: Never use the env_file (or --env-file) configuration.

Docker-compose allows us to define environment variables to pass to running containers, with environment config, this way no other variable will be available in the container:

Solution #2: Split your env file into multiple env files.

  • .env (used by docker-compose)
  • .php.env (used by php service and application)
  • .nginx.env (used by nginx service)

and the matching docker-compose.yml:

Another thing to consider.

When building your docker image you may add all your env files in the image if you are not careful.

Just see .dockerignore file or RUN rm -f *.env