Yannick Pereira-Reis bio photo

Yannick Pereira-Reis

DevOps (docker swarm, haproxy, CI/CD, ELK, prometheus, grafana, ansible, automation, RabbitMQ, LVM, MySQL replication...) and fullstack web developer Symfony 2/3/4/5 + VueJs in Valence (France).

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As you probably know, Vagrant is a very powerful tool powered by Mitchell Hashimoto and many providers are available with vagrant such as:

  • VirtualBox
  • AWS
  • Vmware

I often use Vagrant with Virtualbox for my dev environments and it’s very easy to deal with it thanks to the good documentation and community.

But I recently faced a problem when trying to use the same vagrant provisioning through Jenkins and AWS provider.

The facts

Actually, when working with AWS provider, you use the features offered by AWS to start virtual machines in the cloud, like every other VMs you could use with AWS. With a good Vagrantfile you can start a VM, run your provisioning, stop the VM,… in the cloud, just like you do on your local machine (but configurations are a little bit different).

Plugin installation:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

The Vagrantfile will look like the following:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.vm.box = "dummy"

  config.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
    aws.access_key_id = "YOUR KEY"
    aws.secret_access_key = "YOUR SECRET KEY"
    aws.session_token = "SESSION TOKEN"
    aws.keypair_name = "KEYPAIR NAME"

    aws.ami = "ami-7747d01e"

    override.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
    override.ssh.private_key_path = "PATH TO YOUR PRIVATE KEY"

And the command line will be:

vagrant up --provider='aws'

In my case, I start VMs through AWS provider from a Jenkins server (installed on an AWS virtual machine instance) to run my tests or to build vagrant boxes.

In my projects, I use public repositories from Github (works perfectly well), but I also use private repositories hosted on a private Gitlab server.

And the problem is there, with private repositories because…. it’s PRIVATE !! And authorizations, keys,… are required.

This is the macro description of my Jenkins/vagrant/projects interactions:

  • I push my code to my private Gitlab repository (on AWS).
  • Jenkins (on AWS too) pull the latest changes from the repo (on AWS).
  • Jenkins start the building process to test my code.
  • Jenkins stop and destroy VM when process is complete

Every build of jenkins use the AWS provider to run tests on a VM, so it’s a VM (Jenkins), starting another VM (through AWS provider).

During the building process, many private repositories are called with git commands (sometimes through Composer).

The problems

  • Problem 1 - The Jenkins server must have:
    • an SSH key usable with the private Gitlab repositories
    • a correct host key in its .ssh/known_hosts file to avoid this famous question:
    The authenticity of host '[hostname] ([IP address])' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is [key fingerprint].
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  • Problem 2 - Each VM started through AWS provider by Jenkins must have:
    • an SSH key usable with the private Gitlab repositories
    • a correct host key in its .ssh/known_hosts file

The solutions

The first problem can be solved putting a valid SSH key on the Jenkins server. Be careful the ssh key used by default is named id_rsa. If you want to use a specific ssh key for a specific domain just add this code in a .ssh/config file:

    User USER_NAME
    HostName DOMAIN_NAME

You could also use the following command to change the default key used by ssh:

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/CUSTOM_KEY.pem

To avoid the “known hosts question”, just connect to the server with ssh, and execute a manual git clone or a ssh connection to the gitlab server. Then answer yes to the question and the fingerprint will be added in the known_hosts file once and for all.

This way the Jenkins server can pull everything needed from the private repositories.

The second problem is a little bit more difficult to solve because every VM started by Jenkins automatically, must have a valid SSH key and a correct host key in its .ssh/known_hosts file. And we have no choice, these information need to be defined automatically too.

And a good way to do this, is to use provisioning, the provisioning launched on every VM started with AWS provider.

Ansible tasks for ssh key, config and known host files

- name: Copy SSH private key
  sudo: no
  copy: src=~/.ssh/id_rsa dest=~/.ssh/gitlab.pem mode=600

- name: Copy SSH config
  sudo: no
  copy: src=/var/lib/jenkins/ec2_config_ssh dest=~/.ssh/config mode=600

- name: Copy SSH known hosts
  sudo: no
  copy: src=/var/lib/jenkins/ec2_known_hosts_ssh dest=~/.ssh/known_hosts mode=600

To create the /var/lib/jenkins/ec2_known_hosts_ssh file just get the finger print from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file from Jenkins server.

Indeed, we can’t connect to a VM and do a manual git clone or ssh connection, because VMs are started and destroyed for each building process.

Of course, the files mentioned in the example above must be present on the Jenkins server to be used for each build process

Another solution to the second problem could be to build a base AMI containing all these configurations and remove the previous provisioning.

You want to build your own AMI ?