Yannick Pereira-Reis bio photo

Yannick Pereira-Reis

DevOps (docker swarm, haproxy, CI/CD, ELK, prometheus, grafana, ansible, automation, RabbitMQ, LVM, MySQL replication...) and fullstack web developer Symfony 2/3/4/5 + VueJs in Valence (France).

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As a PHP and Symfony developer I use Composer and Satis to manage my private repositories.

A few months ago, I created a satis docker image (Dockerhub) to deal with the Satis configuration easily, it contains:


Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.


Simple static Composer repository generator. It uses any composer.json file as input and dumps all the required (according to their version constraints) packages into a Composer Repository file.


Satisfy ease your satis configuration management. It provides simple web UI over Satis to avoid a hand-editing of the satis.json configuration file. It’s secured with google open ID and you can apply an google apps organization constraint

Start with satis and satisfy