Yannick Pereira-Reis bio photo

Yannick Pereira-Reis

DevOps (docker swarm, haproxy, CI/CD, ELK, prometheus, grafana, ansible, automation, RabbitMQ, LVM, MySQL replication...) and fullstack web developer Symfony 2/3/4/5 + VueJs in Valence (France).

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As describe on the Gulp website, this tool allows you to automate and enhance your workflow and is Easy to Learn, Easy to use, Efficient and High Quality… I totally agree with this. But I’ve been stuck by a small problem in the past few days : how to get an environment variable to build conditional tasks ?


Gulp util install

First of all you need to add a new node dependency called gulp-util in your packages.json file:

"devDependencies": {
    "gulp-util": "x.y.z"

Install it with your favorite command:

npm install

Use gulp util in your Gulpfile.js

  • Require:
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var minifyCss = require('gulp-minify-css');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
  • Tasks:
gulp.task('stylesheet', function() {
    return gulp.src([])
    .pipe(gutil.env.env === 'prod' ? minifyCss() : gutil.noop())
  • DRY

It’s possible that you have many gulp tasks that need this behavior:

function minifyIfNeeded() {
    return gutil.env.env === 'prod'
        ? minify()
        : gutil.noop();

gulp.task('stylesheet', function() {
    return gulp.src([])

Give gulp configuration through the command line

gulp stylesheet
gulp --env=prod stylesheet
gulp --env=dev stylesheet
gulp --env=$(ENVIRONMENT_VAR) stylesheet

you could change the --env option with anything else:

gulp --type=prod stylesheet

and use this in your Gulpfile.js:

gulp.task('stylesheet', function() {
    return gulp.src([])
    .pipe(gutil.env.type === 'prod' ? minifyCss() : gutil.noop())

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